As DaVinci Resolve progresses, better native workflows come about for working with proxies.
, and has some watch functionality. Very handy.PROXY=4
It's now possible to configure a GoPro to generate DaVinci Resolve compatible proxies. If you have an older model, don't want to go down that route, or just have older footage saved… Then use the below technique. Thanks to u/Li0n-000
, u/exclaimprofitable
and u.PuzzlingDad
on reddit.
The .lrv
files generated by the GoPro can be used as proxies (wish I'd known this years ago). You just need to rename them and place them in a subfolder. This can be automated by saving the below script and pasting it into the folder and running it.
rename GL*.LRV GX*.MOV if not exist \proxy\NUL mkdir "proxy\" move *.MOV proxy\
I had to adapt this as one of my cameras seemed to cause problems when DaVinci Resolve was doing the rendering (it would just hang with the remaining time going up and up). This doesn't seem to be a common problem! That being said, here are my notes for the sake of things.
(about line 35 in
, don't forget double slashes to separate directories)shell:SendTo
(Windows key + 'r').@ECHO OFF "C:\Program Files\Python310\python" "C:\applications\encode_resolve_proxies\" %* REM pause
I had to modify the scripts a little (new python versions perhaps).
After building up many files on a local machine (particularly with the array of GoPro files for internal proxies/thumbnails) I want to copy everything to an external HDD for working with elsewhere… ROBOCOPY can help with that by mirroring directories, but only including requested file types.
C:\Users\david>ROBOCOPY "<SOURCE>" "<DEST>" *.jpg *.mp4 *.mov /E
The output will be like
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROBOCOPY :: Robust File Copy for Windows ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Started : <date/time> Source : <SOURCE> Dest = <DEST> Files : *.jpg *.mp4 *.mov