====== Squid Proxy ====== ''squid'' is a popular proxy server, if one wishes to access the outside world pretending to be the droplet in wherever it is... Handy for various things. - [[http://etutorials.org/Server+Administration/Squid.+The+definitive+guide/|Squid. The definitive guide - etutorials.org]] ===== Install ===== apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y apt-get install squid3 # Backup original configuration to file named squid.conf.factory cp -v /etc/squid/squid.conf{,.factory} ===== Firewall Configuration ===== See notes under: [[server_configuration:firewall|Firewall]] ufw status ufw allow squid ufw status ===== Configure Squid ===== View the existing squid conf (with comments/documentation cut out) cat /etc/squid/squid.conf | grep -v -e '^\#' -e '^$' Configure password store using apache, see docs online... I didn't set this up yet (I limited by IP). 400 apt-get install apache2-utils 401 sudo touch /etc/squid/passwd 402 sudo chown proxy: /etc/squid/passwd 403 ls -l /etc/squid/passwd 405 htpasswd /etc/squid/passwd david Toggle blanket allow/deny rule (debugging to see if its your rule, or your application trying to connect which isn't configured properly) sed -i 's,http_access deny all,http_access allow all,g' /etc/squid/squid.conf sed -i 's,http_access allow all,http_access deny all,g' /etc/squid/squid.conf # Add rule (BEFORE line matching sed pattern) sed -i '/http_access deny all/i http_access allow my_allow_ip' /etc/squid/squid.conf sed -i '/http_access allow my_allow_ip/i acl my_allow_ip src xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx' /etc/squid/squid.conf # Delete rule by sed pattern sed -i '/acl my_allow_ip src xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/d' /etc/squid/squid.conf # Test config squid -k parse # Refresh configuration squid -k reconfigure ===== Stopping ===== # Kill squid sudo squid -k shutdown # Restart Daemon: http://etutorials.org/Server+Administration/Squid.+The+definitive+guide/Chapter+5.+Running+Squid/5.5+Running+Squid+as+a+Daemon+Process/ squid -s More from: http://etutorials.org/Server+Administration/Squid.+The+definitive+guide/Chapter+5.+Running+Squid/5.8+Stopping+Squid/ ps aux | grep squid Check cache usage: sudo du -h /var/spool/