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video_editing:davinci_resolve_proxy_workflows [2023/10/05 15:42] davidvideo_editing:davinci_resolve_proxy_workflows [2024/12/01 11:57] (current) – [Using a script] david
Line 34: Line 34:
 ===== Using a script ===== ===== Using a script =====
-I had to adapt this as one of my cameras seemed to cause problemswhen DaVinci Resolve was doing the renderingit would just hand with the remaining time going up and up. This doesn't seem to be a common problem! That being said, here are my notes for the sake of things.+I had to adapt this as one of my cameras seemed to cause problems when DaVinci Resolve was doing the rendering (it would just hang with the remaining time going up and up). This doesn't seem to be a common problem! That being said, here are my notes for the sake of things.
   - Install ''ffmpeg'' (including setting ''PATH''):   - Install ''ffmpeg'' (including setting ''PATH''):
-  - Save scripts from here:  - Save scripts from here: (Or my fork, to keep frame rate from source
     - Configure ''proxy_path_root'' (about line 35 in '''', don't forget double slashes to separate directories)     - Configure ''proxy_path_root'' (about line 35 in '''', don't forget double slashes to separate directories)
   - Configure ''shell:SendTo'' (Windows key + 'r').   - Configure ''shell:SendTo'' (Windows key + 'r').
Line 49: Line 49:
 </code> </code>
-I had to modify the scripts a little (new python versions perhaps).+I had to [[|modify the scripts a little]] (new python versions perhaps).
 ====== Links & Info ====== ====== Links & Info ======
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 +===== Copying Required Files (to external HDD) =====
 +After building up many files on a local machine (particularly with the array of GoPro files for internal proxies/thumbnails) I want to copy everything to an external HDD for working with elsewhere... [[|ROBOCOPY]] can help with that by mirroring directories, but only including requested file types.
 +C:\Users\david>ROBOCOPY "<SOURCE>" "<DEST>" *.jpg *.mp4 *.mov /E
 +The output will be like
 +   ROBOCOPY     ::     Robust File Copy for Windows
 +  Started : <date/time>
 +   Source : <SOURCE>
 +     Dest = <DEST>
 +    Files : *.jpg
 +            *.mp4
 +            *.mov
  • video_editing/davinci_resolve_proxy_workflows.1696520552.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2023/10/05 15:42
  • by david