To make the homepage a little more interesting to look out, I thought' I'd have a look into [[|bootstrap]] as a framework. The plan is to do more with it over time, but for now using it like this is a placeholder/reminder. To get the latest version, just [[|Download Bootstrap]]. Also, quick shout out for vim settings for indenting (I never remember them): [[|Tab key == 4 spaces and auto-indent after curly braces in Vim]] ====== Shell commands used ====== # Edit .vimrc, for indentation: vi ~/.vimrc #Install the unzip command sudo apt-get install unzip # Create a backup location and backup existing index page mkdir -p backup/homepage cp /var/www/html/index.html backup/homepage/. # Get the latest code and extract the archive (note: file name will change over tiem) cd /var/www/ wget unzip rm #Edit the index.html file using the template in the getting started documentation: vi index.html ====== My homepage using the basic template ======

Personal Homepage

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